Concrete Foundation Repair Nashville

home concrete foundation repair

Since a concrete foundation is rigid, cracks can develop naturally over time. Settlement of your home, changes to the soil beneath your home, and cycles of freeze/thaw can cause a concrete foundation to develop cracks. As a home or business owner, it is your responsibility to monitor your foundation health and make necessary repairs before your foundation stability is compromised. Learn about concrete foundation repair methods and how to tell when it becomes necessary.

Concrete Repair Techniques

Concrete repair techniques work to cover minor and major cracks. When cracks are smaller than 1/4-inch, you can apply a concrete patch that covers the damaged area and prevents cracks from worsening.

When cracks are larger than 1/4-inch, it’s important to have the area inspected by a professional. These types of cracks may call for a solution like foundation underpinning.

Concrete Foundation Repair Methods

Underpinning or piering and slab jacking are two concrete foundation repair methods. The first, foundation underpinning, is used to fix a sinking or settling foundation. Steel piers are driven into the ground beneath the foundation to support the weight of the compromised structure to restore it back to its original level. Next, slab jacking, is a process where a grout mixture fills the void underneath concrete slab and lifts the foundation back to its original level. But now there’s a third way to fix uneven, sunken concrete foundation – with PolyLEVEL polyurethane injection. We recommend using PolyLEVEL over slab jacking due to these attributes – remember, slab jacking is also a ‘fill’ method but a very heavy, dense weight will be added to your foundation. But PolyLEVEL…

Weight: PolyLEVEL weighs only about 4lbs. per cubic ft., compared to 120lbs. per cubic ft. for standard fill material. PolyLEVEL’s light weight makes it useful where denser fill material might impose an undesirable load on weak soils. Despite its light weight, PolyLEVEL can support substantial loads; it typically provides greater lifting power than mudjacking or slab jacking.

Strength: PolyLEVEL has almost unlimited lifting capability when applied by an experienced technician. Lifting force can approach 6000 lbs. per sq. ft. Settled factory floors and sections of airport runways have been successfully restored to level using PolyLEVEL.

Time: 15 minutes to cure vs. an entire day with mudjacking or slab jacking.

Cost: PolyLEVEL is a fraction of the cost of traditional concrete lifting prices.

Why Repair My Sinking Slab?

Regardless of your foundation (crawl space, basement, slab) it is vital to maintain good foundation health. If you have a concrete slab garage, driveway, patio experiencing sinking, cracking, or erosion of the soil beneath your concrete, it’s important to have a professional inspection.

Let TFS – The Foundation Specialists alleviate your worries! We will perform a thorough professional inspection of your sinking slab or foundation free of charge. To learn more about concrete foundation repair or to schedule an inspection to make sure your foundation is in good health, contact TFS today.

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