Your home’s foundation is like its backbone, keeping everything standing strong. Over time, it can run into issues that, if ignored, can lead to big problems. Let’s talk about the signs your home needs foundation repair. Recognizing these signs early on can help you save money, prevent stress, and keep your home safe.
8 Signs Your Home Needs Foundation Repair
1. Corner Cracks:
One of the most obvious signs of foundation problems is when you see cracks in the corners of your walls. For example, these cracks may start small but can get bigger if you don’t do something about them. It’s important to keep an eye on corner cracks so they can be repaired before more damage is done. The Smart Jack System permanently lifts and stabilizes existing beams and floor joists in your crawl space. This tool can lift comprised walls and bring them back to their original level; together with our specialist’s crack sealing, your repair is seamless.
2. Stucco Cracks:
Stucco is a common outer layer on houses. If you see cracks in the stucco around windows, doors, or seams, it could mean that there are foundation issues that need to be repaired. For example, using push piers, our foundation specialists lift compromised foundation walls. This levels the homes and repairs the sloping of walls.
3. Bowing Walls:
When your foundation gets weaker, it can make your walls lean or bow inward. This can further compromise your foundation, and repair is necessary to avoid damaging the structure of your home. For example, our specialists install the Geo-Lock System and stabilize the foundation and retaining walls, which offers the best opportunity to straighten walls over time without the cost and disruption of foundation replacement.
4. Shearing Walls:
Have you noticed gaps between your walls and ceilings or floors? These shearing walls have moved sideways due to foundation problems. This is a sign that your foundation is not holding up. Helical piers can be used as well as push piers to lift foundation walls and level your home.
5. Stair-Step Cracking:
Stair-step cracks look like a set of stairs and often appear on brick walls. If you see these diagonal cracks, it’s a clear sign of foundation issues. As shown above, push piers are a versatile tool for these compromised foundation symptoms.
6. Cracked Poured Walls:
Concrete walls are strong but can still crack if the foundation is in trouble. For example, look for horizontal or vertical cracks in these walls, as they suggest foundation problems.
7. Chimney Separating:
Chimneys are often built on the same foundation as your house. If you see your chimney starting to pull away from the rest of the building, it might be because of an uneven foundation.
8. Floor and Ceiling Gaps:
Uneven floors and gaps between the floor and baseboards or between the ceiling and walls can be a sign of foundation problems. These gaps can happen when the foundation isn’t settling right.
What to Do Now?
Ignoring these signs can lead to big damage and costly repairs. If you notice any of these signs in your home, you should talk to a foundation specialist. They can check how serious the problem is and tell you what needs to be done to keep your home safe. Don’t wait too long to get help. Catching these issues early can save you time and money and keep your home in good shape. Fixing your foundation might feel like a big expense, but it’s an investment in your home’s long-term health.
If you’re dealing with foundation problems, reach out to TFS here. Our experts are here to help you fix any foundation issues and keep your home strong and safe.
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