
Donna H. | Alexandria, TN Testimonial | Crawl Space Repair

crawl space repair
When Donna from Alexandria, TN noticed odd smells and increased humidity levels coming from her home, she knew something wasn’t right beneath her feet. Concerned about the health of her home, she contacted us at TFS for assistance. Understanding the severity of crawl space issues, she sought our expertise in crawl space repair and encapsulation. Upon receiving Donna’s call, we set her up for an appointment with our System Design Specialist. Like a detective with a keen eye for foundation issues, our specialist performed a thorough inspection of Donna’s crawl space. Diagnosing the problem was only the first step; seeking a durable and effective solution was the goal. Donna needed encapsulation to protect her home’s foundation and to improve the air quality inside her house. To fix the problem, we got to work by installing a high-quality vapor barrier along with a dehumidifier to control the moisture levels. Our installers meticulously covered every inch of the ground, and ensuring all entry points were sealed off from moisture intrusion or pest habitation. The process, though intricate, was carried out with such precision and attention to detail that Donna truly appreciated how respectful and clean our team was throughout the whole procedure. The outcome was nothing short of remarkable. Not only was Donna pleased with the noticeable difference in air quality and the absence of odors, but she also gained peace of mind knowing her crawl space was now properly sealed and protected against future issues. It was yet another job where we, at TFS, stood by our mission to provide a reliable solution and remarkable customer experience. For Donna, this wasn’t just a home repair; it was an investment in her home’s longevity and in her family’s health.

“Dakota and Dom came out and did an amazing job on my house. They were very polite and answered my questions. Nick was the sales man and he was awesome as well. Highly recommend TFS.” – Donna H.

If you are in need of Crawl Space Encapsulation in Alexandria, TN contact us today and get back to enjoying the place you call home.
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